Tuesday 9 April 2013



During a trip to the woods, a group of students poured some sugar onto the fire. This sugar soon produced a sweet smell and, we think, may have turned into caramel. So, what is the process of caramelization?

Caramelization is the oxidation of sugar. It is a non-enzymatic browning reaction. The reaction involves the removal of water and the breakdown of sugars. The reaction depends on the type of sugar. Sucrose and glucose caramelize at around 160˚C and fructose caramelizes at around 110˚C. (3)

Caremelization often occurs when sugars are heated, either dry or in concentrated aqueous solutions. When the sugar is heated, dehydration and self-condensation reactions occur, producing volatiles (2-hydroxymethylfurfural), pigments (melanoidines). (1)

The process of caramelization:

Decomposition of sucrose –

Sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose. This decomposition occurs at around 180˚C.

Decomposition of fructose and glucose into aroma molecules –

When fructose and glucose start to break down into smaller, more volatile compounds, the brain detects that new molecules are present. Some of the molecules produced are: furans, diacetyl, maltol and ethyl acetate. The breakdown of fructose and glucose into these molecules is acid catalysed. Warm solutions of sugar are more acidic than cold solutions. Aromas will develop by starting the caramelization process in water. If this is an acid catalysed reaction, aromas will form at a lower temperature of water.

Oligomerization of fructose and glucose –

In the oligomerization reactions, the brown pigmentation and the textures of caramel begin to form. The overall reactions occurring at this stage are still unknown to chemists. However, recent research has shown that, first, the individual sugars dimerize (two sugars come together to form one molecule) into a new form, containing two rings attached by a third central ring. When this happens to fructose, the structure formed is called di-D-fructose Dianhydride. These difructose dianhydride molecules react further on three different pathways:

·         One molecule loses 12 water molecules, forming caramelan (C12H18O9).
·         A second type of molecule made by difructose dianhydride is caramelen (C36H50O25).
·         Difructose dianhydride also forms caramelin (C125H188O80) by the combination of two difructose dianhydrides and the removal of 27 water molecules.

Chemists still do not have a firm idea as to what these molecules are. However, they do know that they have ring structures, like sugars, and that there are free radicals in the system, making the caramel sticky.  (2)

The caramelization process can also be looked at as:

·         Equilibration of anomeric and ring forms
·         The breakdown of sucrose to glucose and fructose
·         Condensation (two molecules combine to form a larger molecule and lose a water molecule). (3)


·         Intramolecular bonding (interactions between one molecule and a neighbouring molecule).
·         Isomerisation of aldoses to ketoses (one molecule is transformed into another molecule containing the same atoms but the atoms are arranged in a different structure).
·         Dehydration reactions (the loss of water molecules from the reacting molecules).
·         Fragmentation reactions (breaking down radicals into smaller ions or radicals).
·         Unsaturated polymer formation (3)

By Lauren Watmough

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